Commissioner R. Jack Cagle of Harris County Precinct 4 and Commissioner James Noack of Montgomery County Precinct 3 have entered into an interlocal agreement for the construction of a new Gosling Road bridge and roadway over Spring Creek and additional drainage improvements. The Montgomery County and Harris County improvements require additional property for the roadway and new detention facilities to meet the drainage criteria. The Howard Hughes Corporation is donating a total of approximately eight acres of land for project improvements.
The new improvements will complete the boulevard section of the roadway from Gatewood Reserve Lane in Montgomery County to Creekside Forest Drive in Harris County, all located in The Woodlands.
“We appreciate the willingness of The Howard Hughes Corporation in working with us and keeping this project moving forward,” said Commissioner Noack. “When we all work together, we are better stewards of taxpayer dollars. We are excited to get this project going which will greatly improve safety and mobility along this thoroughfare in our community.”
Commissioner Cagle added, “I certainly appreciate the generosity and civic-mindedness of The Howard Hughes Corporation in donating the land that allows us to complete the Gosling Road bridge improvements and the crucial drainage improvements. With their help, we will significantly improve commuting in the area.”
Upon completion, the bridge will be dedicated to the late Calvin T. Ladner, a local civil engineer whose company, LJA, Inc. is designing the roadway improvements. Ladner and his company designed much of the infrastructure in The Woodlands over the last 30 plus years including The Woodlands Waterway®, multiple major thoroughfares and collector streets, neighborhoods and numerous water, sewer and drainage facilities for Howard Hughes, the San Jacinto River Authority and local MUDs.
“We are committed to The Woodlands and are pleased to donate this acreage for the betterment of our infrastructure in the community,” noted Dan Kolkhorst, Vice President, Land Development for Howard Hughes. “We applaud Montgomery County and Harris County for working together on these enhancements. The Gosling Road bridge and roadway serve as an integral thoroughfare for both counties. The improvements will add ease and convenience to the flow for drivers along Gosling Road.”